About Me:

Hi, I’m Kajun Roehl. I am a father and a husband. An electrical engineer by day and a part time bladesmith/blacksmith.

I have been making blades on and off since 2013 and forging blades since 2020, I started forging Damascus in 2022. Right now bladesmithing is a hobby/side job that I am hoping to turn into my full time job.

I am currently working towards my journymans’s bladesmith title through the ABS (American Bladesmith Society)

My passion for knives stems from my other hobbies hunting, fishing, camping, and all things outdoors. my specialties are hunting, fighting, and kitchen knives. Bladesmithing is a passion I hope to pass on to my son someday.

See the contact page to contact me for your next order. to see my work as it comes out please follow my Instagram and Facebook group

Instagram: @kajun_ironworks

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5028971413865998/?ref=share